Executive Coaching: Why choose me?
I have coached executives and managers on different level of organizations both in Individual coaching and in Team coaching settings, as part of longer term coaching assignments or within punctual coaching interventions.
I have a strong business background. For 16 years I have been a management consultant implementing significant Business Transformation and Change projects in large organizations, in the roles of expert, project manager, programme manager and change manager. I also held a management position. As a consequence, I can relate pretty well to the needs you have, the challenges you face or the problems you want to solve.
In addition to Coaching, I also conduct Organizational Development and Change Management projects, and I have a solid experience working with teams.
As I train in more than 20 professional, interpersonal and self-management skills, I can transfer these competencies and concepts easily in your coaching.
I have been intensively trained in Individual and Team Coaching in 2002-2004 and I am constantly broadening my horizon and competencies in coaching and in related fields.
I have been coaching over 1.000 people of more than 80 nationalities with very different backgrounds addressing a multitude of topics.
I use a broad range of methods and techniques which I tune specifically to your unique situation, goals, needs and wants.
I have significant experience in relaxation, mindfulness, meditation and in burnout prevention.
I am able to address the meaning of difficulties in life, of negative emotions, of the purpose of life when relevant and if this is something that can be helpful to better make sense of the events and the situations in your life. I studied spiritual approaches belonging to different religions and traditions.
My approach is very flexible, holistic and integrative. I adapt to what is most convenient and effective for you